Inviting a Student

The student signup process is designed to make it easy for you to get your students set up. When a student accepts your invitation and creates an account, their account will be linked to yours. Your Corsava for Counselors account includes unlimited student accounts.

To Invite New Students:

  1. Sign in to your account on
  2. Navigate to "My Students" in the header
  3. Click the “New Student” button

From here there are two ways you can send your student(s) an invitation:

1. Use your personal Student Registration Link (recommended)

You can copy and paste the link in the Registration Link box to your organization website or send the link to an individual or group of students. This is a custom link that ties students directly to your account. Below is a sample email.

Sample email to send to your students to invite them with your organization link:

Dear Students,

Below is the link to set up your Corsava account. Once you have set it up, review the Card Sort Overview and start your online sort to discover what matters most to you as you consider your college options. Have fun with the choices as you consider different campus and educational cultures, student resources, extracurriculars, majors, and residential life that resonate with you. This is your chance to reflect on aspects of college you may have never considered before!

Definitions are provided, and a report will be created with your results once you complete and save your card sort. As you explore your college options, your choices may change, so you can always edit them. 

And remember, there are no “right answers!”

Link: [Insert your unique STUDENT REGISTRATION LINK here]


(Your Name)

>Read more about how to connect to a student with an existing Corsava account

2. Send an invite from your Corsava for Counselors account 

You can add a student’s name and class in the Add a Student section and then go to their profile page and invite them via email using the Send Invite option.   

Helping Your Student Create Their Account

If you sent the email through your Corsava account, they will receive an email that looks like this:

>Read more about what to do if you run into trouble with emailed invitations

Once your student receives their invitation, they will need to use the link in order to create an account. 

Getting notified

If you have email notifications turned on, you will receive an email when a student completes their card sort.

>Read more about how to set up email notifications

The Student Experience

After the student creates their account, they can complete the card sort, enter their geographic preferences, and add their impressions to their list of colleges.

Learn more about:

>How a student uses Corsava

>How you can add location preferences to a student's account

>How you can add colleges to a student's college list