Once your student has created an account and completed a card sort, they can add colleges to their list. Then they can add impressions for those colleges. Adding their impressions will result in a personalized ranking of the colleges on their list.
To add or modify their impressions, students should follow these steps:
- Log in to their Corsava Student account
- Scroll down to My Colleges
- Click on one of the colleges on their list
- Add Impressions for their Must Have and Would Be Nice cards
- Repeat for all colleges on their list
If they are visiting that college, they can also add the date of their visit.
The first time they select a college from their list, a game – similar to a card sort – will load in which the cards that are important to them (Must Have and Would Be Nice) will appear in random order. They simply select a rating for each card. They can always edit these choices later on, so should select the "Don't Know" option if they are not sure about a card at that particular time.