All of your students who have completed an online card sort or for whom you have entered hardcopy results will appear in your My Students list, ordered by class, then alphabetically by last name. 

To see this list, log in to your Corsava account, click on the Café icon at the top right side of the page, and open the “My Students” filter by clicking on the white chevron icon to the left of My Students. 

By default, only students with a future graduation date are shown. Former Students can be viewed by clicking on the chevron to the right of that section. 

When a student name is clicked on, the Café will display their preferences. If you do not want your list of students visible, you can click on the chevron again to close the list of students, and your selected student’s cards and recommendations will still be displayed. 

By default, only Must Have choices are shown when a student is selected. Each category of Must Have, Would Be Nice, and No Way can be displayed or hidden by clicking on the chevron to the right of each category.

The example above shows only the Must Have preferences, whereas the example below shows only the Would Be Nice preferences. 

If a student has entered geographic preferences, they will be displayed in each category below the emotional preferences.