Would you like to test out the student experience yourself before using it with your students?
Our platform allows one account/account type per email address. As long as you use an email address that is not the email associated with your Corsava for Counselors account, you can invite your test student the same way you will eventually invite your real students - by sharing your unique student registration link or by sending an invitation through Corsava.
If you do not have an alternate email address to use for testing purposes, you can create a new alias email within your regular email address by adding a "+" (no spaces) and any word you choose. For example, if my regular email address is "[email protected]," my alias email could be "[email protected]". Emails sent to this alias email address will act just like emails sent to your regular email address.
While this example uses our domain name (@corsava.com), your alias account should use the same domain as your email address, be it @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, etc..
Please note: Our platform was not designed for multiple instances to be open on the same computer. If a Corsava account is open in another window or your browser has cached information from previous Corsava logins, this may interfere with using the registration link or accepting the invite. If you see the error message below, don't despair!
While one solution is to clear your browser history, we know that is no always convenient to do. Luckily, there's another option! Using an "InPrivate" or "Incognito" window (different names depending on your preferred browser) will also work. To open the student registration link in an Incognito window, right click on the registration URL and select "Open link in incognito window" - it should be the third option in the pop-up menu. To "Accept Invitation" in an Incognito window, right click on the "Accept Invitation" button and select "Open link in incognito window."